Tummy Tuck
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Lancaster and Los Angeles, CA

Welcome to Dr. Sean Satey’s esteemed cosmetic surgery practice, where we specialize in the art of abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tucks. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to delivering natural-looking results, our expert team transforms abdominal contours to help you achieve the sleek, toned appearance you desire.
- 1 Before and After Photos
- 2 What is a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty?
- 3 Surgical Options
- 4 What’s the Difference Between a Full Tummy Tuck and a Mini Tummy Tuck?
- 5 Surgery Day Expectations and Recovery Process
- 6 Post-Surgery Recovery Timeline
- 7 Recovery Timeline After a Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)
- 8 Will I Need an Incision?
- 9 What are Drains?
- 10 How Do We Address The Skin?
- 11 Mommy Makeover
- 12 Pregnancy And Abdominoplasty
- 13 Daddy Makeover
- 14 How Long Will My Incision Be?
- 15 Proper Incision Placement
- 16 Diastasis Recti
- 17 What Is An Innie Belly Button?
- 18 Why Are Drainless Tummy Tucks Not Recommended?
- 19 What Are Drains?
- 20 Surgical Drain Care
- 21 Stretch Marks
- 22 Surgical Garments (Fajas)
- 23 Regaining Sensation After Cosmetic Surgery
- 24 FAQ
Before and After Photos
What is a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty?
What are the components of a tummy tuck?
There are three key steps:
- The elimination of excess skin.
- Repair of muscle weakness (diastasis recti).
- Creation of an innie belly button.
We have great educational videos on the repair of diastasis recti and the creation of an innie belly button. So make sure to check those out.
Now, for the elimination of excess skin: we have two components.
- The vertical distance- defines as the distance from the top of your belly button to your pubic region.
- The horizontal distance- that distance is variable. It can be as small as a few inches up to a wrap-around incision. It all depends on the degree of skin redundancy that you have.
I always try to make the smallest incision possible to yield the best results.
Surgical Options
There are several options when it comes to tummy tucks!
The options really depend on the degree of midline muscle weakness (diastasis recti) present, and the location of excess skin (upper vs lower abdomen, vs both). We covered diastasis recti in a different video – so make sure you check that out!
If you have significant diastasis recti, or have excess skin of both your upper and lower abdomen, you’re a great candidate for a traditional tummy tuck (or traditional abdominoplasty). The procedure will correct the midline muscle weakness, eliminate the skin redundancy, and create a beautiful, new innie belly button.
On the other hand, if the only issue is loose skin between the lower aspect of your belly button and your pubic region, you’ll be a great candidate for a mini tummy tuck (or mini abdominoplasty)! This procedure involves the removal of excess skin of the lower abdomen!
Incision lengths were covered in a different video, so make sure to check that out as well!
What’s the Difference Between a Full Tummy Tuck and a Mini Tummy Tuck?
The word “mini” can be a little deceiving.
The incision lengths of mini and full tummy tucks are often the same- although this may vary from patient to patient.
The difference here is that a full tummy tuck addresses a midline muscle weakness, also known as a diastasis recti. In addition, a full tummy tuck also involves the creation of a new innie belly button whereas a mini tuck does not.
Recovery times are far shorter with a mini tummy tuck. The key is to determine which procedure suits you the most.
At the time of your consultation, always make sure to go over your incision length, as well as whether or not you need a midline muscle repair (diastasis recti repair, muscle plication).
Surgery Day Expectations and Recovery Process
We start off by introducing you to our amazing team!
Shortly thereafter, we begin our pre-operative markings. This is one of the most important steps to any successful surgery. It becomes a roadmap for the operation!
Once completed, we circumferentially prep your body with an antiseptic solution. This is designed to help minimize your risk of an infection and kill off any bacteria that naturally live on your skin. Two of the most commonly used solutions include Betadine and Chlorhexidine.
Several safety monitoring devices and tools will then be utilized, and the Anesthesiologist will administer medications for you to go to sleep. The planned procedure then ensues!
As for the recovery period: before your date of surgery, we would have decided on your need for an aftercare facility! The role of an aftercare is to ensure your safety post-operatively. The facility employs nurses who help monitor your hemodynamic status, make sure you are comfortable, and allow for an easy transition home. Stays are typically 24 hours, or the night of surgery.
After your surgery, I HIGHLY encourage ambulation, albeit slowly. I want you to walk around the house, as tolerated – including the day of surgery – to help prevent the development of blood clots.
All of my tummy tuck patients will have two drains placed. This is to help collect fluid that may build up and to prevent the development of a seroma. They typically stay in for 7-14 days.
Post-Surgery Recovery Timeline
Recovery times vary from patient to patient!
But on average, most patients can return to work at or around 2 weeks- without heavy lifting or strenuous activities! Remember- at the 2-week mark, your drains are also removed!
At 6 weeks, you essentially have no restrictions as 80% of your wound healing is complete.
At 3 months, you begin to see a major difference as the majority of the swelling subsides.
At 6 months, your body has 90% of healing complete.
The 1-year mark marks your new baseline!
Recovery Timeline After a Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)
Recovery times vary from patient to patient! But on average, most patients are able to return to work at or around 2 weeks- without heavy lifting or strenuous activities! Remember- at the 2 week mark, your drains are also removed!
At 6 weeks, you essentially have no restrictions as 80% of your wound healing is complete.
At 3 months, you begin to see a major difference as the majority of the swelling subsides.
At 6 months, your body has 90% of healing complete.
The 1 year mark marks your new baseline!
Will I Need an Incision?
One of my most frequently asked questions is, “Do I need an incision?”
I wish the answer was simple!
It all depends on 4 key factors:
- Adiposity (or, fat) amount and its location
- Skin redundancy and laxity
- Age: younger versus older patient
- Previous procedures: previous liposculpting, CoolSculpting, botched surgery, etc
Patients with increased adiposity, skin redundancy and laxity, older age, and a history of previous procedures are at higher likelihood of incision need.
What are Drains?
A drain is just a tool that helps collect fluid!
Whether you’re having a tummy tuck or liposculpting, there is always the creation of a “potential space.” For example, when I liposuction the fat, it creates an “empty” or “potential space.” Now, our bodies are smart- they try to fill the space the best way they know how to: with fluid. That’s where the drains come in and drain that fluid.
The removal process depends on several factors – color, character, quantity.
Initially, the effluent color is reddish. It’s often times confused with blood in the early post op period. However, it’s not – it’s a thin fluid (unlike blood), that looks more like Kool-Aid; this is called serosanguinous drainage. As time goes on, this color changes to more of a straw or apple juice color, and is called serous drainage. The goal is to have less than 30cc of thin, serous drainage in a 24 hour period prior to removal.
My primary goal is to help you have an easy post-operative recovery, and to become the best version of you!
How Do We Address The Skin?
In a different video, we went over how my liposculpting is different- the use of VASER assistance!
We left off on the two pathways that emerge after liposculpting is complete (in addressing the skin): skin removal via excision versus skin tightening using Renuvion J-Plasma or BodyTite.
The determining factor of whether you’re a candidate for an incision versus tightening is the degree of skin redundancy and laxity that you have at the start of the procedure.
For example, if you have a significant amount of loose skin and fat at the level of your belly button and below (also known as a pannus), liposuctioning the fatty tissue will result in additional loose skin, and hang. In that circumstance, you would be a great candidate for an incision to address the skin redundancy.
How long the incision will be and where the incision will be placed are both covered in different videos!
Now, if you don’t have a lot of loose skin at the start of the procedure, and we encounter skin laxity intra-operatively as a consequence of liposuctioning, you’re a great candidate for skin tightening – either through the use of Renuvion J Plasma or BodyTite.
This minimally invasive technique is performed through the same small poke holes used for the liposuctioning procedure, and will give you about 30-50% skin tightening!
Mommy Makeover
What’s a Mommy Makeover?
It’s a surgery that involves both an abdominal and breast procedure!
For the abdominal portion- this includes a mini tummy tuck, full tummy tuck (most common), or a pubic skin excision.
For the breast portion- this includes a breast augmentation (saline, silicone, or fat transfer) or breast lift (with or without an augmentation).
At the time of your consultation, we can assess your goals and determine your candidacy!
Pregnancy And Abdominoplasty
The best time to get a tummy tuck is after you are done having children. The reason is because a tummy tuck involves the plication (or tightening) of your midline muscles- and it’s best to have that done after bearing children.
Can you have children after having a tummy tuck procedure?
However, pregnancy may result in repeat weakening of your abdominal musculature, and additional loose skin.
If you’re planning to have a child after a tummy tuck procedure, be sure to let your surgeon know. I usually tell my patients to wait a year following surgery, if they can.
Daddy Makeover
The first thing that needs to be addressed is – where’s the problem area?
Your abdominal fat can be broadly categorized into two categories:
ABOVE and BELOW the abdominal muscles.
The fat that is below your abdominal rectus muscles is termed, visceral fat. That’s the fat that surrounds your organ systems. Unfortunately, that fat, or adiposity, CANNOT be addressed with liposculpting. Instead, diet, exercise and bio-identical hormone therapy are the only methods that can address the visceral adiposity.
Now, if your abdominal adiposity is located above the abdominal rectus muscles, this is termed as subcutaneous fat- or simply put, fat under the skin (and above the muscles). This fat CAN be subjected to liposculpting and/or excision!
If you have a midline abdominal muscle weakness (known as a diastasis recti), you may be a candidate for a full tummy tuck (traditional abdominoplasty) procedure.
If not, and depending on your BMI (body mass index), you may be a great candidate for abdominal etching with VASER assisted liposuction and J Plasma skin tightening to showcase your muscles!
How Long Will My Incision Be?
The short answer is – as long as it needs to be to give you the absolute best result!
The goal is always to make the smallest surgical incision, in a place that can be well hidden. At the end of the day, we want things to be as natural as possible.
The best way to determine your incision length, and location, is to have a thorough physical examination by your surgeon.
I always try to give my patients a visual representation of their planned incision length on their body during their consultation.
Proper Incision Placement
For once, the answer is simple:
One that is well hidden!
For example, if you’re undergoing a tummy tuck, I want your incision placed within your bikini or boxer line. If you’re undergoing liposuction- I want your incisions in natural skin folds or creases. If you need drains- they should be placed in areas that will ultimately be hidden.
The key is to make you look at as natural as possible. One thing that I often do for my patients is show them where their planned incisions will be during their consultation. When you see your surgeon, make sure to ask them to map the incisions out for you!
Diastasis Recti
It’s a separation of the large midline abdominal muscles!
This commonly happens after pregnancy, or significant weight gain/loss.
As the abdomen stretches to accompany a baby or excessive intra-abdominal (visceral) fat, the muscles stretch thin, and weaken at the midline. Once the baby is delivered or excessive weight is lost, the muscles continue to have an inherent laxity/weakness, or central bulging.
To test whether or not you have a component of a diastasis recti, stand in front of a mirror. Now, let your belly out by relaxing the muscles. Then, suck in as hard as you can.
Do you see a significant difference?
If the answer is yes, you may have a diastasis recti.
I fix this during my signature high definition tummy tucks (abdominoplasties)- it’s permanent and helps “snatch” (pull in) the waist line. You’re new baseline will be similar to you always sucking in your belly!
At the time of your consultation, we can assess your goals and determine whether or not you have a diastasis recti!
Before we get into that- let’s take a step back.
What’s the telltale sign that someone has had a tummy tuck?
The belly button!
It’s an area that’s really hard to cover up if you’re wearing a two piece bikini or swimming trunks!
The key to a beautiful belly button is to make sure that’s it’s natural: an innie, proportional to your body, centered, and beautiful shape.
This is also the time where you want to be evaluated for an “umbilical hernia” (aka, belly button hernia). Should you have one, this would be the time to repair it!
Why Are Drainless Tummy Tucks Not Recommended?
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz over drainless tummy tucks.
However, I do not recommend them!
With a tummy tuck procedure, there is significant undermining (separation) of the abdominal tissues (skin and fat) from the underlying muscles (rectus muscles). This is done so that the midline muscle weakness (diastasis recti) can be repaired.
During the immediate recovery period, your body tries to fill this potential space space with fluid, since it’s hasn’t reattached yet.
The purpose of the drains are to remove and collect this fluid!
Now, if there is no drain, what happens is that the fluid will build up and need to be drained. The drainage procedure is the insertion of a needle attached to a syringe and fluid is aspirated, on several occasions. There is also an increased risk of infection with each aspiration, capsule formation, and possibility of irregularities to the skin when healing is complete.
My recommendation is to not cut corners if you need a tummy tuck, and to get it done in a safe and effective way – with drains! I’m here to help you become the best version of you!
What Are Drains?
A drain is just a tool that helps collect fluid!
Whether you’re having a tummy tuck or undergoing liposculpting, there is always the creation of a “potential space.” For example, when I liposuction the fat, it creates an “empty” or “potential space.” Now, our bodies are smart- they try to fill the space the best way they know how to- with fluid. That’s where the drains come in and drain that fluid.
The removal process depends on several factors- color, character, quantity.
Initially, the effluent color is reddish. It’s often times confused with blood in the early post op period. However, it’s not- it’s a thin fluid (unlike blood), that looks more like Kool-Aid; this is called serosanguinous drainage. As time goes on, this color changes to more of a straw or apple juice color, and is called serous drainage. The goal is to have less than 30cc of thin, serous drainage in a 24 hour period prior to removal.
My primary goal is to help youhave an easy post-operative recovery, and to become the best version of you!
Surgical Drain Care
We discussed what drains are, and their functionality in a different video.
In this video, we’re going to discuss how to take care of your surgical drains!
- Clean the drain. This is done to minimize the risk of infections! The easiest way to do this is to hold the drain in place from the exit site of the skin with your non-dominant hand, and to clean the drain with your dominant hand using alcohol. Once you reach a distance, keep your dominant hand clamped, and advance your non-dominant hand to the spot. You’ll repeat this until you reach the drainage bulb.
- Empty the drain. As the bulbs fill, you’ll want to empty the contents and record the output.
- Compress the drain. You want to ensure that the drain is always compressed to allow a vacuum like seal of the fluid into the collection bulb.
Voila. You’re now a surgical drain care expert.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are streaks that can appear on any part of the body, but are found most commonly on the abdomen, breasts, hips, and buttocks. They are commonly found with weight gain and loss, pregnancy (especially the third trimester), and rapid muscle gain or loss.
Fortunately, these marks are not painful or harmful. Unfortunately, they are permanent BUT treatment can make them less noticeable. They develop when the skin stretches or shrinks quickly. This causes damage to collagen and elastin, which support our skin, and result in the striae that we all know.
Remember, tanning cannot get rid of the marks. In fact, the striae don’t tan, and may become more noticeable.
Prescription medications, such as hyaluronic acid or tretinoin, may be applied every night for 24 weeks to be less noticeable. CO2 lasers, micro-needling, and ultrasound may help reduce the burden as well.
Surgical Garments (Fajas)
Surgical compression garments are categorized into two categories:
Stage/Phase 1 – loose fitting yet snug. The goal of the garment is to be tight enough to cause compression yet not too tight to kill off the blood supply of the overlying tissues. We also don’t want the skin to have indentations from the garment. Compression foams may be used during this time. This period is roughly 1-2 weeks.
Stage/Phase 2 – after the majority of the initial fluid is evacuated (via drains), the body is far less swollen, and can thus undergo tighter compression. This is worn for approximately 3 months.
We’ll go over your post-operative care in detail prior to your surgery!
Regaining Sensation After Cosmetic Surgery
A huge determining factor is what kind of surgery are you planning to have? Immediately after liposculpting, the surgical areas will be numb from the tumescent solution. This last about 24 to 48 hours. During this period, you want to make sure that you avoid any ice packs or heating pads to avoid any burns to the skin!
Procedure that involve larger incisions, such as abdominoplasties (tummy tucks) or breast lifts, will understandably require a longer period of time to regain sensation.
There is a wide spectrum for the sensation timeline- for some patients, it may take less than three months while it may take others six months to a year, and for some, the sensation over the incision line may never return (although a small subset of patients).
How Long Is The Recovery Period After A Tummy Tuck?
Recovery times vary, but patients typically need about 2-4 weeks to return to light activities and 6-8 weeks for more strenuous activities. Following post-operative instructions and wearing compression garments as advised can help optimize healing and enhance results.
Will This Procedure Remove My Stretch Marks And Excess Skin?
While a tummy tuck can remove significant amounts of excess skin and stretch marks located on the lower abdomen, it may not eliminate all stretch marks or address those above the navel. Dr. Sean Satey will discuss your specific concerns and expectations during the consultation to create a personalized treatment plan.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck If I Plan To Have More Children?
While it’s possible to undergo a tummy tuck before having children, it’s generally recommended to wait until after you’re finished having children, as pregnancy can reverse the results of the procedure. Dr. Satey will assess your individual circumstances during the consultation to determine the most appropriate timing for your tummy tuck procedure.